Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bad PR????

I couldn’t disagree more. Bad PR practitioners are in the media-pitching business. Good PR practitioners are in the engagement business. There is much more to PR than media relations. As a PR person you should know this.

Social media provides an opportunity to engage your clients’ audiences and receive a real-time snapshot of how your clients are viewed. It’s not just pitching bloggers and befriending them on Twitter and Facebook. It’s about embracing all audiences, including online media, customers, employees and other stakeholders. Social media PR is fishing where the fish are, not throwing a line out in the middle of a pond.
Think of political microtargeting. Social Media allows companies and brands to microtarget small (and often influential) groups. There is no better way to learn of the success or failure of your strategies or tactics than by connecting to real people.

Media relations is only a tactic of public relations. PR firms that can’t get beyond this are the failed firms that spam journalists by the thousands. It is these firms that think social media is another media relations tactic, and they will never understand the power of engaging the public.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The beauty of the digital world for PR is that its gives us valuable tools to create these conversations. I see the digital world delivering three benefits to the PR sector.

a)      Firstly, the capacity to communicate with all of your target audiences at the same time. Online communications reach consumers and customers at the same time as they do the media.

b)      Secondly, the opportunity to create a real and recorded two-way conversation, which will highlight both the good and the bad in an organisation’s relationship with its customers, prospects, employees and stakeholders. This gives the communications process considerably more value as it allows companies to gain insights into customer behaviour and attitudes towards products and services – what they like and what they don’t like.

c)      Thirdly, the ability to truly measure the impact of your communications – quickly, simply and affordably – demonstrating once and for all that PR can directly support business development and sales.

What do We Know About The Digital World???

The digital world is: multi-channel, conversational, transparent, integrated, fast-moving, and international. All of these attributes should play to the strengths of the PR industry and put the PR professional centre stage. If we take advantage of this opportunity and play to our strengths, it should push us firmly into the ranks of senior trusted advisors and finally differentiate us from the other creative service disciplines such as advertising.

The New Media @ Brands

The new media shows the obvious obsession of creating brands or being a brand, and for the right reasons. Now any connected person uses the new technology for his private or public life. Everything is faster and you can reach your goals with the new technologies which gives equal possibilities for people to use them in a productive way. Doing the right moves and being the right places can grantee you the success, (whatever success represents to you) but that only if you have what it takes: will, initiative and determination.

To prove the relevance of the new media in the business field is a serious challenge for the practitioners in public relations. In this fight for monopolizing the communication, each and one of us has to adapt to the new options, accept them and use them in the best way possible. The new media it’s like a good news to young aspirants in the public relation field. It represents a new niche in the market of practitioners of PR and a challenge because you have to understand their potential and use them constantly or integrate them in a business strategy and gives them legitimacy in front of those in charge.

Media...Media..Whether U like it or not..

       Like it or not, Internet-based social media ranging from websites and blogs to Wikis and Facebook and MySpace have changed communication in general and public relations in particular. The new media as a general definition, refers to innovating forms of interaction between people and technology, is about the relationship between people and instruments of communication.

Examples of new media: blogs, video games, virtual worlds, Wikipedia or any mobile device, interactive televisions and even sites and emails. Most recent are podcasts and Twitter, a free social network and micro-blogging service. Many people and companies understand the necessity of communicating online, but having a site is simply not enough anymore. There is a trend in which now a source of information is also a blog and an online presence on famous now, Twitter. The online space its a dynamic one and is continuously growing with companies, politicians, journalists or regular people.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This morning, I’ve decided I want to blog. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day / once a week for all of 2011.
I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of it, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way